We offer two enrolment options to fit your needs and budget:

Select the right plan for you ...

Foundations Package ~ Option A

Only $597 today

Platinum Success Package ~ Option B

$1997 $1497

One-time payment


$149 x 12 monthly payments

  • 5 Step BRAVE system modules + tech tools module.

  • No- print digital resources for Speech Therapists

  • Deluxe Website copy template

  • Branding Worksheets for Your Business


  • 5 Step BRAVE system modules + tech tools module.

  • No- print digital resources for Speech Therapists

  • Deluxe Website copy template

  • Branding Worksheets for Your Business

  • Course Creation Planner & Evergreen webinar training video

  • New Client Onboarding Kit

  • DONE-FOR-YOU CONTENT POSTS 90 post Canva templates

  • 11 Brand Board Templates

  • Templates of Legal Documents for Therapists/Coaches

  • Facebook Cover Canva Templates

  • 2 Live Tech Calls each month

  • 1 Live Virtual Implementation call each month

  • Private online community of besties


10% of your purchase will go to helping traumatised children in Uganda run by:

Sweet Sarah’s Kids Foundation Uganda

Your info