If You Know that Video Converts 80% better than not having it on Your Website

Then that means you’re ready to go on camera with confidence without fluffing up your lines and create a video that will help you get new customers, Every. Single. Day!

Now listen, we’ve got you.

We’ve created a short course that will show you how to show up with confidence and we know EXACTLY what you need to do to get YOURS up and running FAST!


If you have a website or are thinking of creating one with a video of yourself, then I am so happy for you because this workshop will take you through the steps of how to make a compelling video that sells in less than 60 minutes.

It’s called

“Video Sales Formula”

and it’s exclusively for people who have a website and who are looking for a fast way to create a video on their sales page, services page, or just to get their clients to know them better and what to do next.



It’s for you if you....

  • Don’t like talking on camera but you know you should in order to get more clients

  • Want to create a video but you feel that hiring a videographer would cost you at least $500 for a short video

  • Are you worried about messing up your words and having too many hesitations when you start talking on camera.

If this sounds like you, then you need to get the

" Video Sales Formula"


Inside this program there are 3 main modules designed to walk you through

This self-study program is broken down into 3 modules of bite-sized lessons designed for ANYONE, even if this will be your first time building a website that attracts a client group, whatever that client group is.

When you join us, you’re also going to get these 5 additional bonuses to shortcut your success...

Facebook ads are one of the most important tools in successful online advertising..
The Facebook Ads for Beginners ebook empowers speech therapists with the tools and expertise needed to leverage Facebook advertising for their practice's growth and success

This spreadsheet is easy to use and
enables you to calculate budgets, expenses, conversions, and other metrics within the Facebook ecosystem, simplifying their decision-making processes.

These posts enhance professional branding and visibility by showcasing expertise and thought leadership in the field. By consistently sharing high-quality content, speech therapists can attract a wider audience and build trust with existing clients.

When stock photos are used correctly, They

can elicit emotions in your audience, both

positive and negative. Discover the 22 Websites to find free images

for your marketing.

Demo sessions are an opportunity for you to get to

know a new potential client. And for them to get to

know you. It is an opportunity for you to showcase

your personality and how you work online.