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Unlocking Success: The 3 Essential Keys to Transform Your Private Practice Journey

Unlocking Success: The 3 Essential Keys to Transform Your Private Practice Journey

June 01, 20243 min read

Unlocking Success: The 3 Essential Keys to Transform Your Private Practice Journey


In today's live stream where we're diving deep into the three essential keys that will take you from where you are now – the 'Before' – to where you want to be – the 'After'. Whether you're just starting out or looking to level up your private practice, these keys are the foundation for your success.

Before we delve into these keys, let me take a moment to introduce the BRAVE framework. Throught out my journey of running my private practice business for the last 119 years, I have creeated thus framework which summarizes how I was able to start, sustain, and trhive in private practice.

B.R.A.V.E. stands for Busting mindset barriers, Refining business understanding, Achieving accountability, Validating progress, and Expanding your reach and knowledge. This framework is designed to support you at every stage of your journey, ensuring you have the right mindset, a solid plan, accountability measures, a way to track your progress, and a supportive network.

So, without further ado, let's dive in to the Three Essential Keys to a Successful Private Practice Journey.

Key #1: Commitment

The first key to transforming your private practice journey is commitment.

When starting your private you might feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to start. This can leave you stuck in a cycle of doubt and procrastination. It's so easy to get discouraged. You might think: "Oh this isn't for me. Maybe I should just go back to my 9 to 5."

However, once you fully commit to your journey, you become focused, driven, and start making steady progress toward your goals. Imagine waking up each morning with a clear sense of purpose, knowing that you're one step closer to achieving your dreams. This is why the first step in my BRAVE Framework is Bursting mindset barriers. In my journey, letting go of your obsolete and limiting mindest comes first allowing you to overcome doubts and fears.

Key #2: Solid Plan or Using The Right Method

The second key is having a solid plan or using the right method.

Initially, you might feel lost and uncertain about the best approach to building your private practice. This can be frustrating and discouraging. But when you develop a well-thought-out plan, you can confidently execute it and begin to see tangible results.

The BRAVE framework aids in refining your business understanding, ensuring you have a comprehensive plan that covers both business and legal aspects. Picture having a roadmap that guides you through each step of the process, from setting up your practice to attracting clients and beyond.

Key #3: Right Support System

The third key is having the right support system.

Starting your own practice can feel isolating and overwhelming. However, when you surround yourself with a supportive community, you are uplifted and better equipped to navigate challenges. Envision having a tribe of like-minded individuals cheering you on, sharing their wisdom, and celebrating your successes alongside you.

In all honesty, I wouldn't be able to make through the 19 years in my business if I didn't surround myself with people who love and support me. My three boys and my husband were there with me every step of the way.

In summary, the journey from 'Before' to 'After' is achievable when you have commitment, a solid plan or method, and the right support system in place. By embracing these three essential keys and leveraging the BRAVE framework, you can transform your private practice journey and unlock the success you've been dreaming of. Remember, you have everything you need to succeed – now go out there and make it happen!

If you're ready to take the next step in your private practice journey, then join my FREE WORKSHOP where I will bbe teaching the Three Things You Need to start in private practice. Join our FREE Workshop

Start your private [ractice from scratch

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Hi, I'm Bev

a seasoned speech therapist with over 30 years of global experience.

When I’m not helping others communicate effectively, I'm enjoying precious family time with my husband and three sons. I also love exploring new destinations and hosting art journaling retreats.

But here's what truly fuels my passion: guiding therapists and coaches to build thriving practices without imposter fears or tech overwhelm.

My mission is clear: I want to empower more therapists and coaches to confidently share their talents with the world, thriving in purpose and creativity.

If you’re ready to turn your passion into a purpose-driven practice, count me in to support you every step of the way.

Fancy Joining us on a Retreat in Italy and meet other like-minded therapists and coaches?

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By investing in your mind through these workbooks & journals, you'll gain clarity, develop new perspectives, and strengthen your practice, ultimately empowering yourself to better support and guide your clients on their own journeys of growth and transformation.

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Hi there, I'm Bev Jessup

Even though I play an inspiring entrepreneur on the internet, I’m also a real person and a tired mother of three grown-up adorable boys.

I work purely online as a speech therapist and online consultant whilst my hubby Adam goes off to work.

I’m passionate about changing the world. And one extremely impactful way to do that is to empower speech therapists to share their talents worldwide and put more money in their hands in the process.

"My role in the world is to help therapists and coaches with their tech fears so that they can create a profitable online business without burnout"

You know that horrible feeling in your stomach when you feel that you don't want to work so many hours just to make ends meet?

Or when you procrastinate starting your own private practice because you don't know where to start?

Or the fact that your income has stagnated and you don't know how to push it to the next level? Or you are wondering how to get more clients without having to drop loads of fliers off at the GP surgeries or schools? Or you have dreamed of travelling and working at the same time?

I get you and I help therapists overcome these obstacles so they lead a more fulfilled life and business

Thank you for tuning in and letting me part of your journey. I know your dream is worth it so I want to encourage you to follow your dreams

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